Open letter to Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission
Brussels, 21 January 2025
Dear Ms. von der Leyen,
For many years, civil society, along with faith-based and religious organisations, has pushed for mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence (mHREDD) legislation in the European Union, ensuring that those harmed by corporate misconduct can seek justice. In 2023, over 200 faith leaders endorsed this initiative for corporate accountability. Similarly, in 2020, more than 230 Catholic Bishops collaborated with civil society groups and citizens to call for mHREDD legislation. Therefore, the adoption of the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive in July 2024 represents a significant victory for those worldwide who protect both Planet Earth and human dignity against the adverse effects of profit-driven corporate practices.
Following your announcement on November 8, 2024, regarding a proposal to amend three key pillars of the European Green Deal through an Omnibus law—the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD), the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), and the Taxonomy Regulation—the signatories of this letter recognise significant risks to the already adopted files. We urge you to safeguard these EU corporate accountability laws, confirm their transposition and implementation timeline and ensure complete transparency in the Omnibus process. As the CSOs’ statement highlights, the proposal would be inconsistent with the values the EU has committed to uphold, namely democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights.
This proposal induces considerable uncertainty for States that have already commenced their transposition process. Moreover, many companies are already preparing for compliance with these regulations, and are demanding clarity and guidance from the Commission, in order to establish a level playing field and avoid chaos. Most importantly, the CSDDD is a key instrument for protecting the fundamental rights of individuals and communities affected by business operations, preventing corporate human rights and environmental abuses, and defending our common home. Therefore, its implementation should not be delayed.
The European Union should not reverse the advances that have already been made with respect to the European Green Deal. We respectfully urge you, Ms. Von der Leyen, to guarantee equitable conditions for the protection of human rights, the environment, and climate through unambiguous expectations, legal certainty, and prompt, thorough implementation guidelines.
Best regards,
- Floris Faber, EU Representative & Head of Office, ACT Alliance EU
- Eva Ekelund, Deputy Director, ACT Church of Sweden
- Lieve Herijgers, Director, Broederlijk Delen
- Maria Nyman, Secretary General, Caritas Europa
- Jonas Schneide, Chairman and Sigrid Kickingereder, Director, Catholic Children’s Movement (Katholische Jungschar) and DKA Austria
- Jean-François Dubost, Director of Advocacy, CCFD-Terre Solidaire
- Rosamond Bennett, Chief Executive Officer, Christian Aid Ireland
- Josianne Gauthier, Secretary General, CIDSE
- Maria Moser, Director, Diakonie Österreich
- Tomi Järvinen, Executive Director, Finn Church Aid (FCA)
- Andrea Stocchiero, Director Advocacy, FOCSIV Italy
- Mary Tere Guzmán, Executive Director, Fundación Alboan
- Markus Schlagnitweit, Director, Katholische Sozialakademie Österreichs – ksoe
- Cecilia Pilar Gracia, National President, Manos Unidas
- Bernd Bornhorst, Managing Director, International Cooperation, Misereor (German Catholic Bishops’ Organisation for Development Cooperation)
- Martha Inés Romero, Secretary General, Pax Christi International
- Caoimhe de Barra, Chief Executive Officer, Trócaire