Below is a copy of a news article taken from the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations. All headings, subheadings and links have been removed. Imagine that you have written this article for ACT EU’s website. You will need to upload the article to the website, following the instructions given in the website documentation.

According to the latest Global Report on Food Crises, nearly 282 million people in 59 countries and territories experienced high levels of acute hunger in 2023 – a worldwide increase of 24 million from the previous year. This rise was due to the report’s increased coverage of food crisis contexts as well as a sharp deterioration in food security, especially in the Gaza Strip and the Sudan. For four consecutive years, the proportion of people facing acute food insecurity has remained persistently high at almost 22 percent of those assessed, significantly exceeding pre-COVID-19 levels. Children and women are at the forefront of these hunger crises, with over 36 million children under 5 years of age acutely malnourished across 32 countries, the report shows. Acute malnutrition worsened in 2023, particularly among people displaced because of conflict and disasters.

The Global Network Against Food Crises urgently calls for a transformative approach that integrates peace, prevention and development action alongside at-scale emergency efforts to break the cycle of acute hunger which remains at unacceptably high levels. “This crisis demands an urgent response. Using the data in this report to transform food systems and address the underlying causes of food insecurity and malnutrition will be vital,” said António Guterres, UN Secretary-General. Thirty-six countries have been consistently featured in the GRFC analyses since 2016, reflecting continuing years of acute hunger, and currently representing 80 percent of the world’s most hungry. There has also been an increase of 1 million people facing Emergency (IPC/CH Phase 4) levels of acute food insecurity across 39 countries and territories, with the biggest increase in the Sudan.

In 2023, more than 705,000 people were at the Catastrophe (IPC/CH Phase 5) level of food insecurity and at risk of starvation – the highest number in the GRFC’s reporting history and up fourfold since 2016. The current situation in the Gaza Strip accounts for 80 percent of those facing imminent famine, along with South Sudan, Burkina Faso, Somalia and Mali. According to the GRFC 2024 future outlook, 1.1 million people in the Gaza Strip and 79 000 people in South Sudan are projected to be in Catastrophe (IPC/CH Phase 5) by July 2024, bringing the total amount of people projected in this phase to almost 1.3 million.

Intensifying conflict and insecurity, the impacts of economic shocks, and the effects of extreme weather events are continuing to drive acute food insecurity. These interlinked drivers are exacerbating food systems fragility, rural marginalization, poor governance, and inequality, and lead to massive displacement of populations globally. The protection situation of displaced population is additionally impacted by food insecurity.

Conflict remained the primary driver affecting 20 countries with nearly 135 million people in acute food insecurity – almost half of the global number. The Sudan faced the largest deterioration due to conflict, with 8.6 million more people facing high levels of acute food insecurity as compared with 2022. Extreme weather events were the primary drivers in 18 countries where over 77 million people faced high levels of acute food insecurity, up from 12 countries with 57 million people in 2022. In 2023, the world experienced its hottest year on record and climate related shocks impacted populations, with episodes of severe floods, storms, droughts, wildfires, and pest and disease outbreaks. Economic shocks primarily affected 21 countries where around 75 million people were facing high levels of acute food insecurity, due to their high dependency on imported food and agricultural inputs, persisting macroeconomic challenges, including currency depreciation, high prices and high debt levels. Tackling persistent food crises requires urgent long-term national and international investment to transform food systems and boost agricultural and rural development alongside greater crisis preparedness and critical lifesaving assistance at scale, where people need it most. Peace and prevention must also become an integral part of the longer-term food systems transformation. Without this, people will continue to face a lifetime of hunger and the most vulnerable will starve. Since 2023, needs have outpaced available resources. Humanitarian operations are now desperately overstretched, with many being forced to scale-down and further cut support to the most vulnerable. More equitable and effective global economic governance is imperative and must be matched with government led plans that seek to reduce and end hunger. To turn the tide on rising acute food insecurity the international community has made a range of bold commitments including through the recent G7 and G20 initiatives. The Global Network Against Food Crises offers to leverage its unparalleled knowledge of hunger in the most fragile countries to strengthen the linkages and build coherence where possible between these various global initiatives to ensure innovative and concrete impact for those affected by food crises.


Task 1: Initial discussion

Read through the article. Then, in groups of 2-3, discuss the following questions:

Group 1

  1. What is the main message that the author is trying to convey in this article?
  2. Who is the intended audience?

Group 2

  1. How could you break up the current text to make it more readable?
  2. Where do you think subheadings could be inserted to improve navigation through the text?

Group 3

  1. Based on your first impression, what keywords do you think this article should target for SEO?
  2. If you had to write a meta description for this article, what key points would you include?

Task 2: Readability

Objective: Improve the article’s structure and readability without altering the content.


We are now going to move on to editing and uploading the article within the WordPress editor.

Login to the WordPress Dashboard, navigate to the News section and create a new news article, then create the following:

  1. Title: Create a compelling title that clearly indicates the subject of the article.
  2. Subtitles: Break down the article into sections with relevant subheadings to improve readability and navigation.
  3. Paragraphs: Break the text up into smaller paragraphs, with one main idea per paragraph.
  4. Introductory Extract: Write a concise extract or summary that gives readers a quick overview of the article’s main points, and paste it into the Excerpt section in the News Article tab on the right-hand side.

Task 3: Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Objective: Make technical changes so that your page appears higher in search engine results


  1. Hyperlinks: Add at least three hyperlinks, including to related content within your website (internal linking), and external sources (external linking). This is the link to the Global Report on Food Crises:

Now move down to the News Fields section.

  1. Author: Add yourself or a colleague as the author.
  2. Avatar: Upload the author’s avatar. You can find it by searching for “avatar” in the media library. This should be a square image.

Now move to the AIOSEO settings.

  1. Add the News Article Title. This is the title displayed in search engine results. It should contain your keywords and be fully visible in the SERP preview. Aim for 60 characters or less.
  2. Meta Description: Write a meta description that includes the focus keyphrase and accurately describes the content of the article. Aim for 140 – 160 characters.
  3. Keywords: Find a “focus keyphrase” that encapsulates the main thrust of the article, and that you can include in meta data and in the article itself.
  4. URL Structure: Add a user-friendly and keyword-rich URL slug based on the title of the article. You can change the URL in the News Article tab in the right-hand sidebar.

Adding the Featured Image

Photo: Crisis in South Sudan 2017 Paul Jeffrey

Ajok Uogu feeds her 2-year old daughter Awok a nutritional supplement in the Comboni Hospital in Wau, South Sudan. Drought and armed conflict have pushed tens of thousands of people in Wau out of their homes, away from their farms, and unable to adequately feed themselves. The child was admitted to the hospital with severe malnutrition. Norwegian Church Aid, a member of the ACT Alliance, has provided relief supplies to the displaced in Wau, and has supported the South Sudan Council of Churches as it has struggled to mediate the conflict in Wau. South Sudan

Filename: RS15885_south-sudan-2017-jeffrey-wau-chti-260.JPG

Credit/Provider: Paul Jeffrey

Copyright: Paul Jeffrey

Uploaded: 13 Dec 2019

Modified: 24 Mar 2020

Date Taken: 26 Apr 2017

  1. Download the image.
  2. Use ResizePixel to resize the image to 1500px and compress it, keeping the quality.
  3. Rename the file, using hyphens to separate words. Include your focus keyphrase in the filename.
  4. Upload the file to the media library as the Featured Image (News Article tab, right-hand sidebar).
  5. Choose a suitable title.
  6. Write the Alt text.
  7. Write the caption (should include copyright details).

Now move back to the AIOSEO menu and navigate to the social tab.

Normally now you would publish. Since this is just an exercise, please do not do this!

  1. Instead, click “Save” in the top toolbar.
  2. Preview your work by clicking on the computer icon in the top toolbar.

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