Implementing the EU Gender Action Plan III: Turning ambition into impact?

ACT EU intern Rebecca Venuto against a backdrop of painted white bricks
By Rebecca Venuto
22 June 2023
European Commissioner Jutta Urpilainen gestures while speaking at the podium of an EU conference, with a backdrop reading "Towards a Gender-Equal World - The EU Gender Action Plan 2021-2025."
ACT Alliance EU contributed to the CONCORD Parallel Report on GAP III implementation reviewing the plan’s implementation in three carefully local contexts.

2023 marks the mid-term point of the implementation of the EU’s Action Plan on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in External Action 2021–2025 (GAP III).

GAP III is an ambitious policy, and it is important to monitor the actual impact it is having on the lives of women and girls in all their diversity in the EU’s partner countries and to readjust the course of its implementation to better respond to their intersectional needs and rights.

With this purpose in mind, ACT Alliance EU contributed to the CONCORD Parallel Report on GAP III implementation. The report reviews the plan’s implementation in three carefully chosen local contexts: Morocco, the Philippines, and Kenya, and focuses on how the new and potentially transformative elements of GAP III – a gender-transformative and intersectional approach – have been applied in practice. 

The report builds on evidence from 78 interviews with local women’s rights organisations (WROs), feminist movements and national, local and grassroots organisations working to advance gender equality, including the National Council of Churches in the Philippines, an ACT Alliance member.

Read the full report.

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